Mechanical Iris for Drawing Circles

Edifice an iris diaphragm needn't e'er crave specialist tools and materials. A perfectly functional discontinuity can be easily created from arts and crafts materials plant around the home. All it takes is a little patience and a steady manus. We covered the types and uses briefly in our recent video, so if you lot need some inspiration, I'd suggest taking a quick look at that offset. So larn how to make a paper-thin mechanical iris diaphragm with this direct forward step-by-step guide.

Estimated time to complete: ~two hours

Materials needed:

  • Newspaper
  • Card or heavy weight paper
  • Drinking harbinger
  • Xacto knife
  • Paper-thin
  • Glue stick
  • Glue gun (or just make exercise with the glue stick)
  • Pocket-size cross-caput screwdriver
  • Large cross-head screwdriver
  • Condom bands


  • Aperture, 5-50 mm
  • Outside diameter, 100 mm
  • # of blades, eight
  • Rotational movement, ~80 degrees
  • Pin size, 6 mm
  • Blade thickness, ~0.25 mm (0.01″)

Making the parts for the cardboard mechanical iris

Cardboard mechanical iris - Iris Calculator Screenshot

Iris Computer design output

Actuator ring

Paste the template on top of the cardboard. Make the holes by first pushing the small screwdriver through to make a pilot pigsty, then echo with the big screwdriver. Y'all might want to twist the large screw driver every bit information technology goes in, to minimize burdensome the cardboard as it goes through. And then cut out the center and around the outline.

Cardboard mechanical iris - initial holes in actuator ring

Initial pilot holes made using a small screwdriver

Cardboard mechanical iris - Actuator ring pin holes

Enlarged holes using a big screwdriver (or screw bit equally seen here)

You'll probably find that the paper-thin gets pushed through to the other side. Then, advisedly fold the excess back over the hole and gently twist/push the large screwdriver through from that side.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Flatten ring pin holes

Flattening the pin holes

Cardboard mechanical iris - Reaming ring pin holes

Reaming the pin holes

Using the straw, cheque that all the holes are the correct size, and adjust accordingly. They should all exist a snug fit, just too offer lilliputian resistance when beingness turned.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Checking ring pin holes

Checking the pivot holes

Cardboard mechanical iris - Finished actuator ring part

Finished part

Blade sub-associates

1. Blades

Impress the template directly onto the card, and cut around the contour of the blades.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Blade cut out

Blade cut out

ii. Pins

Mark the pin'due south heights along the straw (in this instance they're 5 mm each). Cut them to length, being careful not to misshapen them (they demand to be perfectly round).

Cardboard mechanical iris - Pin straw

Straw pin cut to size

iii. Assemble

The pins need to be fixed on the blades on opposite sides, at opposite ends. Add a dab of hot glue on the pin area and push the straws on as precisely equally y'all can. Make sure y'all're consistent so that every bract is made identically.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Blade assembly

Bract assembly

To aid locating the pin accurately underneath the printed side, use a light-box setup (an upturned Tupperware box with your phone flashlight on inside will suffice for this).

Cardboard mechanical iris - Tupperware light box

Tupperware box and phone flashlight equally a uncomplicated calorie-free box


The housing for the cardboard mechanical iris is created using four parts (two of which are identical). You may need to utilise a few layers of cardboard depending on how thick it is.

1. Base and Lid

These are the outside layers. Cut out accordingly.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Base and lid layers

Base and lid layers

Cardboard mechanical iris - Base and lid layers cut out

Base of operations and chapeau layers cutting out

2. Slots

It'south of import to cut the slots as accurate equally possible, so the pins can run freely along them.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Slots-template-pasted

Slots template pasted onto cardboard

Cardboard mechanical iris - Slot layers

Slot layers

three. Wall

Once again, you may need a couple of layers stacked here. It needs to exist high enough to accommodate the blades and actuator ring (plus a little extra).

Cardboard mechanical iris - Wall

Wall template glued on 2 layers of cardboard

Cardboard mechanical iris - Wall stacked

Wall stacked

Considering the actuator ring is going to slide confronting the wall, we need to take a smooth inner surface. To do this nosotros'll use some painters tape, simply any tape should do the trick.Tape along the inner wall, and then make cuts outward so the tape can exist stuck downwards effectually the curve. Cut off any excess tape.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Wall taping

Taping the inside of the wall

Cardboard mechanical iris - Wall taping

Echo cuts on both sides


Terminal associates

1. Install the blades

Insert the blades into the holes in the actuator ring. Carefully layer them all effectually so they stack neatly in the open position. The final few tin exist challenging – just fan them out a little to gain access to the holes.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Blade stacking

Bract stacking

Cardboard mechanical iris - Blade stacking

Fan blades out to gain access to holes

Cardboard mechanical iris - Blade stacking

Lift the terminal bract onto the first

Cardboard mechanical iris - Blade stacking

Blades stacked

2. Start gluing the torso together

Starting with the base, mucilage the slots on top. Next is the wall, but nosotros need to use the actuator ring as a guide…

3. Mate the parts

Turn the base upside-down (slots facing down), and place on top of the blades, lining the slots upward with the pins. Utilise a little squeeze pressure level to hold everything together and speedily flip the associates over. Very carefully shimmy and jiggle the handle so that the pins locate within the slots. Yous may need to manually assistance one or two stubborn pins (the pocket-size screwdriver is a good pokey device for this). Once yous're satisfied, you can cautiously operate the iris a little, to make sure at that place are no issues, keeping it central.

4. Mucilage the wall on

Identify the wall around the outside of the actuator ring and line up the edge with the handle. Brand sure the aperture is open, and that the handle slot is on the correct side of the handle (operate the iris a little again just to exist sure).

Cardboard mechanical iris - Wall install

Wall install cheque

Hot mucilage along the seam being careful that zilch accidentally shifts. Make sure no gum gets on the inside of the wall.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Wall gluing

Wall gluing

5. Cheque everything

Identify the chapeau on top and retain with a couple of rubber bands. Check everything works as expected. Read the notes below if you're having problems earlier continuing.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Top install

Summit install

half-dozen. End

Finally, glue the lid in place.

Cardboard mechanical iris - Final

Completed iris

Be creative

Here's a fun affair you can do:

With the aperture closed, draw a movie, and so sentinel it explode and re-get together when you open up and close the iris!

Notes on the cardboard mechanical iris

Hard to open up/close

For a smoother operation, employ a pencil to coat over all the moving surfaces – peculiarly the slot edges and outer edge of the actuator ring.

Aperture is not round.

Information technology's unlikely with a cardboard iris that the aperture will exist perfect. Yous tin try replacing blades, and double checking the slots and holes have been made properly.

Won't open / Won't close

This could be 2 things: The handle slot is in the incorrect place, or the blades have been made the wrong way circular.

The iris dosen't close completely

Past design, this iris closes down to a minimum discontinuity of 5 mm. If y'all'd like the iris aperture to close completely, take a look at our other article on Dual-Airplane irises.

Blueprint your own iris

This cardboard iris was designed using the Iris Computer. If you'd like to accept a become at making your ain iris pattern, please do sign up to our design software. You'll be able to customise the size and many other design parameters. And once you're washed, yous can consign and print the templates every bit a guide.


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